Monday, March 23, 2009

3/23/09 (9)- Time off

Not that I have the luxury of taking time off before the comp (especially with the cruise 2 weeks before it) but I decided not to do any pressing today and let the trap rest. The farmers yesterday really bothered it and for the long term some time off now (in the short term) is probably a good idea. If I can take a few days off then train at full speed it will probably be better then going nonstop at 80%. I'm not sure about Wednesday's deadlifting. I really want to try the 650 I'm suppose to do. I can always just push it back it Thursday or Friday. The good news is all the benching I did last Friday didn't seem to bother it any so I may be doing a lot of benching in the near future. The bad news is the trap is used in a lot of upper body pulling movements, as well as over head pressing, so I am really limited in what I can do.

Knee Ext

Speed Front Squats Load- 5214

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